Forum Activity for @michael

11/11/22 09:14:04PM
7,792 posts

PHP Fatal error with Audio update

Using Jamroom

Can you go to ACP -> MODULE -> CORE -> SYSTEM CORE -> TOOLS -> SYSTEM CHECK and take a screenshot of it please.

I'm interested in what version of php you're running. Changes in php 8 have broken some older functions which I suspect might be the case for your situation.

I'll try to reproduce it here.
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10/25/22 10:11:36PM
7,792 posts

Mailgun validations

Using Jamroom

From memory at one point in time mailgun offered a free service and the free service came with 100 (I think?) free email validations each month. Then a charge was optional to validate more than that. By 'validate' I believe it means "Attempt to determine if an email sent to this address will be delivered."

I think the purpose of it was for people with email lists to eliminate bad addresses because sending is charged per-mail.

Something like that.
09/19/22 06:29:08PM
7,792 posts

Menu Builder

Using Jamroom

You can do it using the onClick code section'http://yoursite.test/pears','_blank');

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09/15/22 07:27:14PM
7,792 posts

video problems

Using Jamroom

Check your servers logs. It could be a server issue. Could have stopped during processing or didnt get fully uploaded due to bad internet connection. Without an error log anything we say is just going to be a guess.
09/15/22 07:19:44PM
7,792 posts

Home page vs Landing Page

Using Jamroom

You can redirect from:

but if you do that you can not ever visit
again. Going there will redirect to

- "is it accepted practice?"
A: It makes me wonder why you dont just put the content from "All Services" on the top level. What is gained by putting it at /all-services

If the reason you want to use that URL is to change the page title you can do that from SITE BUILDER -> PAGE CONFIG -> PAGE SETTINGS -> PAGE TITLE
title.png title.png - 129KB

updated by @michael: 09/15/22 07:23:30PM
09/11/22 12:48:55AM
7,792 posts

video problems

Using Jamroom

Check your queues to see if any processes are stuck. Check your server error logs to see if there are any reported issues. Try re-uploading it to see if you get the same issue.
09/07/22 12:39:03AM
7,792 posts

That website is completely unrelated to our system. This is bordering on forum spam which will get an immediate deletion of your account and all content on the site. Is the a real question here related to jamroom cms?
09/06/22 09:02:41PM
7,792 posts

Its unclear what you want to do. You don't need our permission to write your opinions on your own blog.

If you're looking to try Jamroom out there's the free community version that can be downloaded under the PRODUCTS tab above or you can spin up a Jamroom Hosted server free for 7 days to get access to everything.

Jamroom has a high learning curve though, its not all drag-n-drop like wordpress. You'll appreciate it most if you're not adverse to looking at code and want a CMS system that is profile centric.
updated by @michael: 02/22/25 04:06:23AM
09/06/22 12:47:14AM
7,792 posts

Mass Deleting of Accounts

Using Jamroom

In testing now. will be accessible from the USERS section of the data browser.
dis.png dis.png - 114KB

updated by @michael: 09/06/22 12:47:58AM
08/31/22 03:57:30PM
7,792 posts

I just moved to my server to Centos7 and am having issues

Installation and Configuration

These docs are probably what you're looking for:

Docs: How ot use a different FFMPEG binary

Docs: Advanced Config Keys

point jamroom to the location of those tools on your system.